Help with Australian Visa Applications. We are One Immigration Services.

Prospective Marriage Visa

subclass 300

If you are engaged to marry an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand Citizen then you may want to settle in Australia with them.

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Its an exciting time, and we are here to help you navigate the complex visa process that you are about to embark on. Applying for the prospective marriage visa is only the first step in a lengthy process.

About this Visa

Once granted, you must enter Australia during the visa validity period and marry your sponsor. Once you have married your sponsor, you then need to apply for the Onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801).

To make your application strong, you must be prepared to share all aspects of your relationship, including some very personal details. You must provide evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing, and you intend to live as spouses in Australia.

Applicants for the offshore visa are generally not eligible for a Bridging visa. Some applicants however, may be eligible for a bridging visa when they arrive onshore on another substantive visa (such as a visitor visa).

Visitor Visa

Applicants for the offshore visa are generally not eligible for a Bridging visa. You may however be able to apply for a visitor visa that allows you to visit your partner. Depending on your country of origin, visitor visas can be difficult to obtain.

When you book a consultation with us, we assess your situation closely to determine your eligibility for a visitors visa.

We Are Here To Help

We can assist you in making sure that you will meet all of the requirements for the prospective marriage visa you are applying for by taking a compassionate and empathetic approach to getting to know you and your partner.

We will prepare a professional application with all of the required forms, and arrange your evidence in a way that will assist the decision maker who is assessing your application.

We will make sure no stone is unturned when collating your evidence. And, if you wish to visit your partner, we can help prepare a visitor visa application. 

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